General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer SORAS Recast Coming to Port Charles – Revenge On Valentin For Dad’s Murder

General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer SORAS Recast Coming to Port Charles - Revenge On Valentin For Dad's Murder

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New General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that Spencer Cassadine might be back at the first of the year, but it likely won’t be the talented Nicolas Bechtel in the role. Since Valentin Cassadine (James Stuart) killed his father and took his inheritance, Spencer will want revenge.

There are already other SORAS recasts like Rocco Falconeri just last week when young actor Mason Tannous, who looks to be five or six, replaced a much younger actor. This is not a good sign for other young actors such as Nicolas Bechtel. Plus, Spencer needs to be older to hold his own against Valentin.

Laura Spencer (Genie Francis) has mentioned Spencer several times lately, which is a big hint at his return. With Valentin in Port Charles, there’s no reason to keep Spencer hidden away at boarding school. GH spoilers hint Spencer will be aged to a teen and back to battle Valentin.

General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer SORAS Recast Coming to Port Charles - Revenge On Valentin For Dad's Murder

Other GH spoilers tease that Valentin is really Stavros Cassadine which makes him Spencer’s grandfather but whether he’s Valentin or Stavros, that should not matter to Spencer. No matter who the man is, he shot Spencer’s father Nikolas Cassadine (Tyler Christopher) and that must be answered.

We’ll know more about Valentin soon since he whispered a Latin phrase to Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) to trigger her memory. It’s only a matter of time before “Valentin” puts all his cards on the table about his true identity and his plans for the legacy family.

Laura and Lulu Spencer (Emme Rylan) will face off against Valentin and a more grown-up Spencer will return to fight him. The murder of Nikolas must be answered and so must taking the Cassadine inheritance. Spencer will want to see Valentin dead or imprisoned for what he’s done.

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General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer SORAS Recast Coming to Port Charles - Revenge On Valentin For Dad's Murder

Be recasting Spencer with a teen actor, he’ll be better equipped to battle Valentin man to man rather than as a child facing a man. That wouldn’t be fair odds. The coming fight to reclaim the Cassadine fortune and punish Valentin will embroil many.

Fighting together will be Laura, Lulu, Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) and Anna – plus a newly SORAS’d Spencer. Valentin must be defeated and Spencer will be key to the plan to take vengeance since the elder Cassadine killed Nikolas.

While this is an interesting plot turn, GH fans will miss Nicolas Bechtel who’s a great little actor but we know a SORAS recast is inevitable. The only thing that could change this coming Cassadine civil war between Spencer and Valentin is if Nikolas also comes back in a recast.

But so long as Nikolas remains “dead” then the battle will rage and we can expect teenager Spencer back soon to kick things off. What do you think GH fans? Will you be sad to lose Nicolas Bechtel to a SORAS recast? Do you want Spencer to be the one that takes down Valentin?

Share your comments below and check back with CDL often for the latest General Hospital spoilers and news.

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