General Hospital

Laura and Dante Visit Lulu — and James Sneaks Out to See Cody

Laura and Dante Visit Lulu — and James Sneaks Out to See Cody

Friday, July 18, 2024: Today on General Hospital, Tracy gets to know Gio, Jason and Carly discuss Cates, and Sasha gives Cody some advice.

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Laura and Dante visit Lulu GH

Credit: ABC screenshot

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At the footbridge, Carly tells Jason how grateful she is to have him back. She feels like she’ll never be able to repay him for the years he lost protecting her, but he says there is no debt to repay, not between them. He says he couldn’t let her pay the price for getting involved in something she would never have gotten into if not for him and Sonny, and she is not made out to be a mob boss.

Carly and Jason talk gH

Their talk turns to Sonny, and how he hasn’t been like himself lately. Jason says now that he can tell Sonny the truth, Cates is about to become Sonny’s problem. He tells her that Cates wants intel on Sonny, and he’s also using Ava to get to him. He needs to get Sonny to trust him again so they can figure out how to deal with this. Carly knows Sonny is already headed for a custody battle, and now Cates is trying to take Sonny down. Jason says Cates has never had an opening to take Sonny down before, but now he does.

Jason worried GH

Carly admits if he weren’t here, she’d be spiraling out of control trying to handle Sonny, and they make a good team. He says they always have. Carly notes nobody wants to be in a situation like this, but if she has to be, she’s grateful to be in it with him. They toast to one another with their beers.

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In the Quartermaine stables, Tracy and Cody are stunned when James turns up. He’s upset as Mac says he has to take riding lessons elsewhere. They wonder how he got here. James says he took a ride share and used Georgie’s phone to order it. Cody asks how he got out of his house. He admits he climbed out the window.

Tracy is shocked GH

Cody says he has to call his mom, and she probably won’t be happy. James isn’t happy either, as he wants to take riding lessons with him. He asks if he’s been too annoying. Cody says he hasn’t, and he loves spending time with him, but who he takes lessons from isn’t up to him.

James Stables GH

Maxie and Spinelli arrive, and Maxie can’t believe James snuck out of the house. James explains it was an emergency. Maxie says he cannot sneak out of the house, steal his sister’s phone, and use it to order a ride share. Tracy decides to head back to the house when Maxie suddenly asks if she hangs out at the stables often. Tracy says goodnight, and Maxie turns her focus back to her son and asks James why he came here. The boy looks at Cody, who tells James it’s okay to tell them. James explains that Grandpa Mac says he can’t take riding lessons with Cody. Maxie tells her son that Grandpa Mac doesn’t get to decide where he takes riding lessons, and that’s up to her. He asks if he can continue the lesson with Cody, but she says they’ll talk about that another day.

MAxie talks to James GH

Spinelli takes James to the car, and Maxie thanks Cody for calling her. She is also glad he’s keeping his promise and is still here.

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Maxie takes off, and Sasha drops by, having received Cody’s text. She asks what is wrong. He replies, “Everything.” He fills her in on James’ visit and that Mac told him that he couldn’t take riding lessons with him anymore. Cody doesn’t blame Mac, as he wouldn’t want his grandson around him either. However, he loves that kid, and he’s like family to him.

Sasha and Cody advice GH

Sasha says he is family, and that James is his nephew. Cody says, “Now he’s hurting, and it’s my fault.” Sasha says Mac is angry, but it doesn’t sound like Maxie feels the same way, and James still thinks he hung the moon. Cody says it’s still Mac’s opinion that matters. Sasha tells him not to overreact. Maxie and James clearly have faith in him, and she does, too.

Cody gets advice GH

Tracy enters the kitchen and finds Gio eating, having made himself a sandwich. He offers to make her one, but she’d rather have a cup of tea. She notes how he seems to be making himself right at home and tells Gio he’d be smart to be afraid of her as this is her house. He replies, “I thought it was Monica’s house, and Alan gave it to her.” He asks her to join him with her tea, and he tells her a little about his growing up and schooling.

Gio's sandwhich GH

Tracy grills him his favorite places in New York and why he loves the city so much. Their talk turns to gardens in New York, and Tracy brings up the beautiful gardens they have here that her mother gave to the city. She offers to show them to him sometime.

Gio and Tracy GH

Maxie and Spinelli return home with James, and Georgie yells at her brother for stealing her phone. Maxie tells James that what he did was wrong and dangerous, and they make him promise never to do it again. James says he really needed to talk to Cody. He thinks Cody will tell him the truth because something weird is going on, and nobody is telling him what it is. Maxie admits he’s right.

JAmes in trouble GH

Maxie explains when Grandpa Mac came home that he found out something that made him unhappy, but it’s private. Georgie asks if he’s sick like Violet’s grandpa was. Maxie says he isn’t, and he’s just going through something. Georgie heads to bed, and James asks why he can’t keep riding with Cody as he is the best. Maxie says they have to stay away from the Quartermaine stables for a bit, but she’ll figure it out. He declares this stinks and storms off. Maxie can’t disagree with him.

James has questions GH

The kids both end up in their rooms and asleep and Spinelli checks in with Maxie. Maxie is frustrated, but excited, and she says Cody is family even if they don’t share DNA. She wishes Mac would hurry up and come around, as she lost one sibling, so she won’t lose another. She knows if Mac can forgive her for all her lies that he can forgive Cody.

MAxie and SPinelli GH

Joss meets Trina at the Metro Court pool. She found a little bird while unpacking their stuff. It’s the turtle dove that Spencer gave Trina. Trina tells her it was from Spencer, and he had the other half of the set. Joss talks to her about grief. She compares it to a ride you can’t get off of, but it morphs over time and can even become something beautiful. Trina wishes she could get there. Joss comforts her friend and asks if anyone knows what happened to Spencer’s dove. Trina says he had it in Paris, and he said he takes it everywhere. Joss notes people say grief is bittersweet. Spencer being gone is the bitter part, but he’s still with her, and that’s the sweet part.

Joss and Trina talk Grief GH

Trina admits at times she feels so angry at Spencer for leaving her when he promised he never would. She can’t believe she’s mad at her dead boyfriend. Joss mimics his voice and says Spencer would say, “You should be mad at me as I’m an idiot.” Trina agrees he would say that. Joss says she can talk about Spencer anytime she wants, as she misses him too. Trina knows Joss lost him, too, so she can talk about him as well. Joss just doesn’t want to upset her by bringing him up, so if she ever does, tell her to stop talking. They hug.

Trina deals with grief GH

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At the hospital, Laura sits with Lulu and tells her about Charlotte and Rocco. She says her children are growing up fast, and she’d be proud of who they are becoming. Laura says she misses her a lot and could use her as a sounding board. She needs her thoughtful, sweet, perceptive daughter more than ever right now. Dante shows up and finds Laura sitting with Lulu.

Laura Dante and Lulu GH

Dante says he didn’t mean to interrupt. Laura explains says she was just filling Lulu in on Rocco and Charlotte. Dante asks about Ace, and Laura says he’s settling into life with her and Kevin. Dante notes what she’s doing for Ace is wonderful. Laura says he’s family, and she’ll take care of him as long as she can. She even says perhaps Lulu will wake up to meet her new nephew. Dante takes Lulu’s hand and says he prays daily for her to wake up.

Laura and Dante talk GH

Laura asks how Sam and the kids are. Dante says they are all busy, and Scout wants to visit Ace as she’s becoming really into babysitting. Laura says she’s welcome any time. He thinks having a little one must be exciting again and brings up her tea parties on the kitchen floor, which Lulu always says she loved as a kid. Laura had forgotten all about those. He thinks Lulu is such a great mom because she takes after Laura.

Dante and Laura talk GH

Dante says Rocco told him how much of a comfort she was when he was in the hospital. Laura says Rocco is very perceptive and sensitive. Dante admits Rocco reminds him a lot of Laura. Dante was going to bring Rocco to visit today, but his buddy had tickets to a game. Laura asks how often Rocco visits. Dante says often enough, whatever that means. Dante admits he doesn’t know what Rocco needs, and these visits are getting harder and harder for him. He knows his mother more from being in this bed than he does from her being out of it. He wants his son to know the Lulu he knows, and when he talks to him about her, it’s as if he’s talking about some long-lost relative. He worries Roccoo coming to see Lulu might be doing more harm than good. He feels like he sounds like a jerk saying that. Laura says it’s a terrible situation, and he’s handling this with grace and strength. However, he’s raised an important question. She has no answers to give but suggests Rocco is at an age where he knows what feels right and to leave the decision to visit his mom up to Rocco.

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