Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Treated Meri Worse Off-Screen?

‘Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Treated Meri Worse Off-Screen?

Kody Brown and Meri Brown - Sister Wives

Undeniably, Sister Wives fans are seeing some of the conversations between Meri and Kody Brown teased in previews that will air in Season 19. Although the tension between the two has been visible for quite some time, Meri still feels sad for Kody. While it is obvious how Kody blames Meri for the discord in their relationship on camera, how do they interact off-screen? Recently, the Sister Wives patriarch, Kody Brown was accused of his mistreatment of former wife, Meri Brown, off-screen.

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The Gloves Are Off

In recent previews, Meri and Kody Brown the gloves are coming off and they are having difficult heart-to-heart conversations about their more than 30-year marriage coming to a close. Undeniably, the sneak peeks are leading fans to believe Kody wishes he had never taken Meri’s hand in marriage. Furthermore, Meri tells a friend that she feels sorry for Kody as he tries to awkwardly justify why they started the plural family. But Meri makes a valid point that Robyn was too young when they were kicking off the Brown family.

Meri Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube
Meri Brown – Sister Wives

Likewise, as Meri and her friend talk about the plural relationship, the friend notices how Kody has changed. She believes he is going through some kind of “midlife crisis.” She says, “Okay, let’s be honest, he’s always been Kody, but at least he was kinder to you.” Additionally, the friend says, “I have not seen him try…for years.” Admittedly, Meri thinks that Kody says many things to push her away. Seemingly, she thinks he doesn’t want to deal with the guilt. In like fashion, if she leaves him, he isn’t the “bad guy” instead he is free from the burden because “he didn’t walk away.”

Kody Brown Treated Meri Worse Off-Screen?

Furthermore, Meri Brown confesses to her friend, “You know how he’s been acting and things he has been saying for years.” Additionally, she says, “And we haven’t had a relationship for a long time.” She goes on to talk about how when they moved to Flagstaff, Kody Brown gave Meri the impression it was a new beginning. But she admits it all went “downhill.”

Kody Brown in Season 19 Sister Wives trailer (1)
Kody – YouTube

In a Reddit thread, Sister Wives fans bring up how terrible Kody Brown has been to Meri Brown on camera. First, a thread starts, “Why is he like this?” Furthermore, the user attached a series of photos from Season 17 showing Kody walking up and acknowledging Janelle Brown. She said, “Hi Honey.” And Kody breezes past Meri and replies, “Hi.” Then, Meri makes an effort to get him to talk to her. She says, “Hey.” After that, he says, “Hi,” and laughs. But with the disregard for Meri on the show, people wonder how bad it has to be for Meri off-camera.

Kody Brown walks past Meri in Season 17 and acknowledges Janelle.-Reddit
Kody Brown walks past Meri in Sister Wives Season 17 and acknowledges Janelle.-Reddit

Fans Accuse Kody Brown Of Being Worse Off Camera

After the initial post, someone points out that if Sister Wives viewers see him blowing her off, then it is probably much worse behind the scenes.

  • Correspondingly, someone says, “He walked by Meri like she was a ghost. If this is how he treats her in front of the cameras, imagine how terrible it was in real life.”
  • “The way he walks past Meri without acknowledging or speaking to her, is just beyond reprehensible. And he calls her a ‘friend’??”
  • But another commenter thinks it might be more fun for him to show off for viewers, “I almost wonder if he enjoys crapping on her for all the world to see.”
  • “Didn’t one of the kids say that he was worse in real life? Not just to Meri but overall.”
  • “Yes, Gwen said her dad was worse off camera on one of her YouTube videos.”
Fans give many examples of how he treats Meri badly. -Reddit
Fans give many examples of how Kody Brown treats Meri badly. -Reddit

Fans Can’t Believe Kody Brown

Other fans can’t believe how Kody Brown has treated Meri Brown through the years. But some people think her tolerance stems from neglect in her childhood.

  • “This is how he and other polygamist men put the wives they don’t want out to pasture. It’s so disgusting.”
  • “He’s such a dick 🤬.”
  • “No matter how any particular viewer might feel about Meri, everyone can acknowledge how hurtful that behavior was toward her.”
  • “Sad… In their book, they wrote about how Meri was virtually invisible at her childhood church she was attending all her life because she was so painfully shy and introverted. It was only when she started dating Kody was when people noticed her. Kody is cruel and seems to have been this way since Meri’s fertility problems started.”
Some people believe her childhood neglect led her to be attracted to him. -Reddit
Some people believe Meri Brown’s childhood neglect led her to be attracted to Kody Brown. -Reddit


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Tune in for the premiere of Sister Wives Season 19 on TLC on September 15 at 10/9c. Then, stream it later on Max.

Meri Started This Family with Kody

Do you think that Kody Brown treats Meri Brown worse off-camera? Are you ready for the next season of Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.

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